BOD Committees
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Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past-President and shall meet as needed between regular Board meetings to act on matters that need immediate attention. The Board can appoint and authorize the Executive Committee to act on issues as defined by the Board. A minimum of two Executive Committee members must be present for decisions to be made. Actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be ratified by the Board of Directors at its next regular meeting.
Board Development Committee
PURPOSE: To nominate qualified candidates for the Board positions and to cultivate committee members.
- Anticipate vacancies on the Board.
- Communicate to all Board members the quality of candidates the committee is seeking.
- Regularly ask the full Board to submit the names of good candidate prospects.
- Ask Board member candidates to complete applications for Board membership.
- Screen applications for Board membership and submit the names of finalists to the full Board.
- Recommend individuals to fill Board vacancies that occur during the year.
- Nominate and present a slate of Board Officers.
- Recommend Board members to replace outgoing nominating committee members.
Family Selection Committee
PURPOSE: The Family Selection Committee is responsible for drafting the selection criteria used to select families for approval by the Board of Directors.
- Informing prospective homeowners that the may be eligible to apply.
- Developing an orientation program for applicants.
- Distributing applications.
- Screening completed applications.
- Interviewing applicants.
- Recommending applicants to the Board of Directors for approval.
- Work with the Family Nurture Committee to begin the support relationship with family.
- Establish sweat-equity requirements.
- Demonstrated need for adequate shelter.
- Substandard housing.
- Excessive rent beyond affordability & no alternatives available.
- Demonstrated ability to pay.
- Follow income limits guidelines.
- Income analysis.
- Qualifying guidelines.
- Housing expense ratio.
- Long-term debt ratio.
- Lien-able debt.
- Ability to make down-payment (1% of house value).
- Willingness to partner; complete sweat equity requirements.
- Develop a straight-forward cover letter outlining the program.
- Consistently use same application form (Int'l form)
- Process the applications:
- Set up the applicant’s file.
- Review initial application.
- Notify if application is incomplete.
- Establish deadlines to return corrected application.
- Gather needed information.
- Needs assessment.
- Ability to pay assessment.
- Orientation.
- Income verification.
- Personal asset lit.
- Credit report.
- Home visit.
- Final committee decision.
- Report to full Board.
- Notification of acceptance or denial.
Family Nurture Committee
PURPOSE: To help families break the cycle of poverty and become independent. The committee seeks ways to welcome new families into the Habitat family and proved them with friendly counsel, support and education.
- To work with the partner family to make them welcomed as a Habitat family.
- To help the family understand the responsibilities of a homeowner.
- To help break the landlord-tenant framework to mortgagor-mortgagee.
- To guide families to successful homeownership after move-in.
- To offer assistance in minor home repairs:
- Sheetrock damage.
- Leaky faucet.
- Damaged doors, etc.
- To offer friendly support in maintaining on-time payments.
Fund Development Committee
PURPOSE: To establish a solid plan for consistent, regular sources of income to operate a financially sound organization and to fund all of its programs and expenses.
- To develop on-going fundraising projects.
- To determine the short-term and long-term funding needs.
- Plan funding activities for the full Board to approve.
- Identify and recruit members to serve on fundraising projects.
- Educate the community/public on the need to support the organization.
Public Relations Committee
PURPOSE: To maintain a positive image of the organization in the community by planning for and monitoring public relations and publicity activities.
- Assist in planning year-round public relations activities.
- Work closely with staff to plan all publicity and promotion in support of the organization.
- Help staff pan and develop marketing efforts that support the organization's services and program.
- Serve on the speaker's bureau and explain the organization's service and/or programs to groups in the community.
Land Acquisition Committee
PURPOSE: To target the area or areas of the community or communities in which the projects of the Affiliate will be built and investigate the availability of property. The committee works with the Building Committee and administrator to evaluate the Suitability of the potential sites prior to acquisition. Makes recommendations to the Board regarding site acquisitions.
- To determine area or areas in which to build a Habitat house.
- To evaluate properties available for suitability for a Habitat house.
- Land use regulations.
- Zoning regulations/restrictions/covenants.
- Environmental concerns.
- Surrounding neighborhood.
- Accessibility of property.
- Setback requirements.
- Cost of property.
- To present a detailed analysis and recommendation to the Board of Directors for consideration to acquire properties.
Personnel Committee
PURPOSE: To guide the personnel decisions of the affiliate.
- Review the personnel policies of the affiliate
- Ensure the affiliate has clearly written job descriptions for all personnel
- Ensure that annual reviews are conducted for all personnel conducted by the Executive Director for all personnel and by the Board of Directors for the Executive Director
- Recommend to the Board of Directors changes to the personnel structure (additions to or subtractions from staff positions)
- Ensure all employment laws are adhered to by the affiliate